Saturday, May 5, 2007

Lessening of Pain

Well, God is definitely answering the prayers. Today, Beth has taken this little blue pill before she eats. She sticks it under her tongue and the medicine dissolves and enters the blood stream quickly, relieving the spasms within the esophagus. The first time she ate after taking the pill she had some crackers and felt pain, but not as severe. For dinner, she did the same, but this time she was actually asking for more! We are not out of the woods yet. I do believe that it will take some time for the medicine to fully take its affects within the body. But, praise God that Beth will be able to eat once again and venture out beyond bland foods.

Please pray for a restful night sleep. The roommate who snores worse than I do is still here. Beth's back is hurting from the bed, so she is rather uncomfortable. We look forward to tomorrow and further progress in regards to relief of the pain. Beth's parents are here and it is a blessing to have them here. Please pray for their stay here with us that this visit may be a blessing to us all. I will say it is good to see familiar Virginia faces again!

Again, thank you all for your love and support. We truly feel as though you all are lifting us up to the Father. Thank you!


Brandon said...

That is wonderful that Beth is able to eat a little bit more! You guys are in our prayers!

The Lord bless you and keep you.

Brandon and Autumn

Stacey said...

Hey Zs!
We got back late last night and were anxious to hear how you were doing. It was so fun to be able to check your blog to get the latest details. Thanks for starting this Dale! I'm so glad to hear that the doctors have been able to give you some answers. Praise the Lord!! We'll check in with you soon. Love you both to pieces!
Dane and Stacey

Zachary says HI! :)