Thursday, May 31, 2007

5th time to the ER

So, as I was writing the previous blog and actually got some sleep in the waiting room, my wife was in getting her CT scan done. Little did I know that upon being injected with the needed dye for the scan, she began to have an anxiety attack. They were able to get the scan complete, for which we are thankful. However, upon finishing she believed she was having an allergic reaction to the dye and began to have the worst attack yet. They proceeded to give her some Benadryl to stop any potential reaction. She became lethargic, which was expected and then got more worried. It took a while, but she finally began to calm down and we were prepping to go home. We actually closed the place down and they had to give us the choice of going home or going to the ER. They were prepping the ER for our arrival, but we decided to come home. As we were doing so, we were about a quarter of the way home when she began to have chest pain that was shooting down from her neck. Needless to say, we were concerned, so I turned around and headed back to the ER.

So, here we sit. The ER doctor has seen her and does not seemed concerned. Beth at this point has calmed down pretty much and is sleepy. She has finally gotten a little something to eat, but is still definitely hungry. They gave her some tylenol for the pain, because she refused the drug they offered which would take the pain away, but also make her sleepy in addition. They took some blood to check her coumadin level just to be sure. She also said that she would consult with her doctors in regards to the pain that Beth has been experiencing. We probably will be going home tonight, but at this point we are unsure of that. The doctors are not alarmed or majorly concerned, so that is why I believe we will be going home shortly. Hopefully we will find out something soon and go home.

So, please continue to pray.....As our pastor reminded us this afternoon, may God continue to be our shield and protector, may He be our glory and may He be our encourager when we are in despair, just as He was with David in Psalm 3. Blessings to you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Beth and Dale,

You are both continually in our prayers. Doesn't it seem like medicine is more of an art than a science these days? I was commenting to a coworker(fellow nurse) the other day and that thought came to mind. Humanity limits us. . . and although we trust the medical field and know they are on our side, they are still limited and sometimes we don't get answers. But God is not limited! And He has us in the palm of His hand. And this darn fallen world can fail us, but He won't. I bet you feel weary and tired, wondering when this whole thing will end, when will you get answers and solutions! And my heart is heavy because I pray for Beth to be healed and for this to be lifted off of you both. So we will continue to pray as the Holy Spirit leads, and lift you both up for healing, peace and protection from spiritual attacks. You are being lifted up! You are loved! You are protected! Psalm 91