Wednesday, May 23, 2007

MEALS - How you can help!

If you are willing to offer a meal to us during this time, we would greatly appreciate it. If you are interested, please call Stacy Ortlund at 314-428-3337. She has offered to spear head this for us.

Thank you again for your help, support, encouragement, and love during this time. Please do continue to pray as we learn how to love and take care of one another during this time. Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wanted you both to know that we love you and think of you often. We know that God is doing a mighty work in your family, even if it is hard to see. He is good and His love endures forever...something that I had to learn firsthand as I've struggled with tremendous anxiety and depression, myself. Beth, I may not be able to completely relate, but I can understand how you are feeling. I encourage you to allow the Lord to comfort you as only you can. And Dale, I can only imagine how difficult it is to watch your wife going through such a hard time, struggling through it with her. May the Lord strengthen you as only He can.
Lots of love,
Lexy George