Sunday, May 6, 2007

We've moved to room 616!

We are in room 616. The nurses prompted the doctor to authorize a move to a private room. So, we are now back in the hallway which we were in on Wednesday and Thursday. I will be able to stay the night with her and help as problems arise throughout the night.

We have seen both the general doctor and the GI doctor this morning. She is still battling with pain in her chest, which they firmly believe is from the acid built up over time. They both said the pain was like when we get a sun burn on our skin and then run water over it and it burns. The symptoms are similar to this. They are talking about a possible Tuesday discharge. We will have a long road ahead of handling anxiety and learning to eat again, trusting that the pain will not be there.

So, please continue to pray for this pain. We seem to have answers that address the problems it is now a matter of finding some formula of medication that helps the pain. Again, thank you for praying.


Ruth said...

To one of the sweetest gals I've ever met; I pray a special healing touch from our Lord for you! Blessings to you both.
Ruth Weaver

Anonymous said...

You two have had quite a start to your month of May. No words for you - just know we're thinking of you.