Friday, May 4, 2007

Doctor's Update

Beth and I got some rest while waiting for the doctor. She awoke having some nervous sensations and said she needed to use the bathroom. Let's just say the barium cleaned out her system. We did get to see the doctor again this afternoon with test results. Both tests, the Barium and the ECHO cardiogram came back negative. This is good because it clears any of the large items and those that are most concerning. However, the pain continues after she eats. So we need to find something. The doctor did indicate that the thinning of the blood is on the right track. The next step is the GI doctor will come and talk with us. The nurse practitioner will come and speak to us and then the doctor himself will come. The idea is that he will be able to shed a little more light onto the issue of the pain when Beth eats. The potential test they may do is an EGD, I think. Basically, it is a video scope of the esophagus. This will help them see any scars or such that may be present.

We do have some good news. Beth had an idea of taking some mylanta before eating rather than after. This seems to have helped a little bit and she is not having as much pain as previous attempts at eating.

Please continue to pray that we would have a plan for Beth going into this weekend rather than having to wait until Monday. We learned this past weekend that the hospital definitely becomes quiet with doctors and tests. We are definitely learning how to be patient and learning to deal with pain.

Again, thank you for your prayers, support, and encouragement.


Melissa said...

Dear Sweet Beth and Dale,

Love and hugs to you! I know you are being a light and witness during this time! We're praying for God's peace to envelop you and for His healing touch upon you. (I wish I could be your nurse! I know this can be so scary!)
Lifting you up and praising Him still!
Melissa (& Mike)

Kara said...

Dear Dale and Beth,
We want you to know both of you are in our prayers during this time. Continue to seek His strength and wisdom. Beth I miss you and look forward to a time where we can see each other again.
With Love,
Drew and Kara Marsh

Barrett Turner said...

We are praying for both of you guys--obviously for your body, Beth, and for your studies and ability to help your wive, D-man. Let us know if you need us to grab mail or anything like that. Christ's peace to both of you.
Barrett and Beth