Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Beth, Emma Grace and I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Thank you all for praying and supporting us through this time with Emma Grace. We do have wonderful news for you. As of Monday, she saw the pediatrician and has been taken off of the apnia monitor. YEAH! He said that since she had no significant episodes since she was born and the fact that the monitor has never proven to save a child's life, he thought it was best to take her off of it. This has given Beth and I a sigh of relief. Since then she has been doing very well. She has been sleeping, eating and pooping very well. He has kept her on the Mylanta and Zantac, which it seems will be for another month. We have another checkup this coming Monday.

Beth and I will be the first to admit that she is the most precious baby ever. I believe that is proud, thankful parents talking. I will put up some pictures from her coming home from the hospital and of course her in her Christmas outfit. We will be in touch soon!

Merry Christmas!
Dale, Beth, and Emma Grace


The Crowley's said...

Praise God for wonderful new!

Ariel said...

Zantac is amazing... relieves my lil cupcakes heartburn, hope I can also take it to relieve my heartache! LOL Got it online at