Tuesday, June 26, 2007


We do want to let you all know of two big and important things that have happened recently:
#1 - I finished last night all my work left from the spring semester. HALLELUJAH! I am unsure of how things will turn out grade wise, but at least everything is done.

#2 - With the status of Beth's condition, we had to make some decisions about her continuing to work full-time. At this point we have decided to have her work half-time at the Freedom School. This decision was made primarily because the Lord truly laid a full-time job in our laps. As of two weeks ago, we have accepted the call for me to be the Director of Worship and Music at Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church here in St. Louis. This will require me to slow down in school, which required me to swallow some humble pie, but we believe this is the Lord's desire for us at this point. We are excited about this new opportunity and I am extremely anxious about the challenges that lie ahead in the job, but God continues to be faithful. The church has gone through some hard times recently itself, so we look forward to see how God will work through us in the body at Twin Oaks. So, we have reason to give thanks and praise the Lord. Please continue to pray for Beth's health. Thank you so much!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Lloyd said...

We are so THRILLED on your New call to Twin Oaks! What a Blessing that is! We will miss you so much you both are such a beautiful example of Christ. Thank you Dale for your sharing your gifts with us at Heritage...stay in touch Beth..we will continue to lift you up!